Networks within Networks

Huldra Press is all grown up now (it actually has a physical address!) and therefore a Huldra Press Facebook page was due.

And so, dear readers, I ask of you, become a fan! ... or "like"... whichever Facebook is calling it these days. That would be swell of you. I'll be thrilled and you'll be privy to all kinds of tidbits, photos and invitations as the studio develops. It's a win-win situation.

I was searching around on the internets today and found Meet Your Printmaker, a non-profit directory of independent printers. I especially liked this little piece of ephemera by Thomas-Printers.

by Thomas-Printers :: awesome ::

Also interesting, the work of Anna Fewster, over in England, who's doing some pretty interesting stuff. It's so nice to people working with handset lead type in a unique fashion!

A book by Anna Fewster

So remember, check out the Huldra Press Facebook Page! And tell your friends.